Fine Quality Log, Timber & Driftwood Furnishings

One of a Kind, One at a Time

(417) 779-5324 or (417) 739-2420 (evenings)

Holy Family Catholic Church Furnishings

Rick Braun Regarding the Church Furnishings Project…

I consider it an honor to be selected to build the furniture for the House of God.  He (God) has provided us with so many beautiful building materials; trees, roots, rocks, burls, etc., that can stir the imagination and are essential for this type of project.  I thank God, the Creator, for providing these materials and giving my fellow craftsmen and I the imagination and ability to transform these materials into functional works of art.

Fortunately, I have also been blessed with good ideas from many individuals, all sharing the same concern:  To make this House of Worship an inviting place to thank God for all He has done for us.

I would also like to thank Father David, Gina, the Committee, Steve Welko and his crew, the Sawtooth Mill, my wife Sue, my son Shawn, and a special thanks to my good friend and co-worker Alex Buderer.  What a team!


Rick Braun